Our Young Adults group is for people in the 18-22 age bracket, and runs on a rotation of 4 different nights in a typical month. These nights are:
– Social Night: These nights change each month and focus on building relationships and inviting new people to the group!
– Bible Study Night: Where the group explores various Biblical themes and teachings and how they can apply them to their lives today!
– Coffee Night: Where Young Adults gather their friends and meet for coffee (and food) at a local CafĂ©/Restaurant!
– Prac Night: Where the group takes the lessons learnt from the Bible Study Night, and looks at how to practically outwork them in their lives and world!
With a mixture of building strong social connections, Bible-based study and practical application, the Young Adults group assists in growing people’s confidence in themselves, in the Bible, and in God!
“I like that it is welcoming and everyone is kind and respectful of differences in the group and listens to what people have to say”
“I just like hanging out, worshiping and learning more about the Bible with people my own age.”